We planned, produced, and directed the concept movie for the Lyric speaker, winner of the SXSW 2015 Best Bootstrap Company award. We were also responsible for the direction of the UX design implemented in the product, along with (partial) motion design and direction.
In the concept movie, lyrics are displayed on the speaker as the song plays, giving the viewer a visual experience. This, along with the advanced processing during the user’s experience, is intended to familiarize the viewer with the product on a sensory level. We focused on creating a good balance between visualization and user experience without over-explaining the complex background processes or relying too heavily on imagery. We also utilized a point cloud as a bridge between ‘real space’ and ‘digital space’. In keeping with the high-end feel of the product, we based the visuals on rich, rigid motion graphics.
Lyric speaker is the next generation of speakers which displays lyrics in sync with the music. When you choose a song on your mobile phone, the lyrics show up on the translucent screen. If it is a mild song like a ballad, the fonts and movements become soft. If it is an energetic song like Rock, they become strong and powerful. Music analysis technologies developed by National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) automatically analyzes the song’s mood and structure, and the built-in expression engine creates motion graphics to each song that’s played. Lyric speaker is the world’s first speaker equipped with ‘Lyric Sync Technology,’ the technology to automatically visualize the lyrics in a beautiful way.
SXSW 2015でBest Bootstrap Companyを受賞したLyric speakerのコンセプトムービーを企画・演出・制作。また、プロダクトに実装されるUXデザインのディレクション、歌詞の動きのモーションデザイン(一部)、ディレクションも併せて担当。
Lyric speaker(リリック・スピーカー)とは
Lyric speakerは、音楽と同期して歌詞が表示される次世代型スピーカー。モバイル端末から好きな音楽を選曲して再生すると、その楽曲の歌詞が透過スクリーンに浮かび上がる。バラードのような優しい曲であれば優しいフォントや動きに。ロックのようなエネルギッシュな曲であれば力強く。楽曲の雰囲気や構成を、産業技術総合研究所の音楽解析技術が自動解析し、スピーカーに搭載された表現エンジンがそれぞれの楽曲に対してモーショングラフィックを生成。歌詞を自動で美しくビジュアライズする技術「Lyric Sync Technology」を、世界で初めて搭載した。
▶Lyric speaker Official website
In the concept movie, lyrics are displayed on the speaker as the song plays, giving the viewer a visual experience. This, along with the advanced processing during the user’s experience, is intended to familiarize the viewer with the product on a sensory level. We focused on creating a good balance between visualization and user experience without over-explaining the complex background processes or relying too heavily on imagery. We also utilized a point cloud as a bridge between ‘real space’ and ‘digital space’. In keeping with the high-end feel of the product, we based the visuals on rich, rigid motion graphics.
Lyric speaker is the next generation of speakers which displays lyrics in sync with the music. When you choose a song on your mobile phone, the lyrics show up on the translucent screen. If it is a mild song like a ballad, the fonts and movements become soft. If it is an energetic song like Rock, they become strong and powerful. Music analysis technologies developed by National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) automatically analyzes the song’s mood and structure, and the built-in expression engine creates motion graphics to each song that’s played. Lyric speaker is the world’s first speaker equipped with ‘Lyric Sync Technology,’ the technology to automatically visualize the lyrics in a beautiful way.
SXSW 2015でBest Bootstrap Companyを受賞したLyric speakerのコンセプトムービーを企画・演出・制作。また、プロダクトに実装されるUXデザインのディレクション、歌詞の動きのモーションデザイン(一部)、ディレクションも併せて担当。
Lyric speaker(リリック・スピーカー)とは
Lyric speakerは、音楽と同期して歌詞が表示される次世代型スピーカー。モバイル端末から好きな音楽を選曲して再生すると、その楽曲の歌詞が透過スクリーンに浮かび上がる。バラードのような優しい曲であれば優しいフォントや動きに。ロックのようなエネルギッシュな曲であれば力強く。楽曲の雰囲気や構成を、産業技術総合研究所の音楽解析技術が自動解析し、スピーカーに搭載された表現エンジンがそれぞれの楽曲に対してモーショングラフィックを生成。歌詞を自動で美しくビジュアライズする技術「Lyric Sync Technology」を、世界で初めて搭載した。
▶Lyric speaker Official website
Promotion Film
Director:Ryo Kitabatake
Designer:Ryo Kitabatake, Shota Oga
Programmer:Hiroki Sato
Technical Advisor:Hiroki Sato
Producer:Go Hagiwara
Executive Producer:Hiroshi Takahashi
UX Staff
Director:Ryo Kitabatake
Producer:Yasuaki Matsui
Executive Producer:Hiroshi Takahashi
Director:Ryo Kitabatake
Designer:Ryo Kitabatake, Shota Oga
Programmer:Hiroki Sato
Technical Advisor:Hiroki Sato
Producer:Go Hagiwara
Executive Producer:Hiroshi Takahashi
UX Staff
Director:Ryo Kitabatake
Producer:Yasuaki Matsui
Executive Producer:Hiroshi Takahashi