All BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKE’s bags are characterized by connecting simple triangles to create an organic beauty and humor which slips in and out of its modern style. In order to put that on full display, we made the bags dance in various scenes.
The bags come alive to dance and show a glimpse of BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKE's unique beauty in minute details through their every move.
BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKEのバッグ全てに共通する、シンプルな三角の連続から生まれる有機的な美しさと、モダンの中に見え隠れするユーモアを様々なシーンで踊るバッグで表現した。
息を吹き込まれたバッグたちが踊る一挙手一投足の中で垣間見える、BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKEならではの個性的な美しさを細部に渡って引き出した。
Director:Ryo Kitabatake
CG Designer:Ryo Kitabatake, Takuma Sasaki, Shota Oga, Takafumi Matsunaga
Producer:Yasuaki Matsui
Director:Ryo Kitabatake
CG Designer:Ryo Kitabatake, Takuma Sasaki, Shota Oga, Takafumi Matsunaga
Producer:Yasuaki Matsui
Music : Masato Hatanaka