BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKEのSpring Summer 2020 シーズンムービーの企画制作をWOWが担当。
BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKEのバッグが持つ個性を、さまざまな動きとシチュエーションで表現。時に楽しく、時に優雅に動く細かな表情を通して、バッグの有機的な美しさを引き出すことにフォーカスした作品。
BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKEのバッグが持つ個性を、さまざまな動きとシチュエーションで表現。時に楽しく、時に優雅に動く細かな表情を通して、バッグの有機的な美しさを引き出すことにフォーカスした作品。
WOW was in charge of planning and production for the BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKE Spring Summer 2020 Season Movie.
Expressing the individuality of BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKE bags through a variety of movements and situations. Works that focus on bringing out the organic beauty of these bags through delicate, moving expressions that at are times enjoyable, and at other times elegant.
Expressing the individuality of BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKE bags through a variety of movements and situations. Works that focus on bringing out the organic beauty of these bags through delicate, moving expressions that at are times enjoyable, and at other times elegant.
Director:Ryo Kitabatake
CG Designer:Takuma Sasaki, Ryo Kitabatake, Yusuke Moriya (WACHAJACK)
Producer:Yasuaki Matsui
Music:Masato Hatanaka
Art Director:Naomi Hirabayashi
CG Designer:Takuma Sasaki, Ryo Kitabatake, Yusuke Moriya (WACHAJACK)
Producer:Yasuaki Matsui
Music:Masato Hatanaka
Art Director:Naomi Hirabayashi