Two different components were mixed together to produce the new BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKE series. We used these two components and the mirrors connecting them to create a unique world. We pursued the mysterious beauty of distinctive bags produced in a curious world.
二つの異なる要素が混じりあうことで生まれたBAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKEの新シリーズ。その二つの要素と、それらをつなぐ鏡を使ってユニークな世界を作り上げた。不思議な世界の中で生まれる個性的なバッグのミステリアスな美しさを追求した。
Director:Ryo Kitabatake
CG Designer:Ryo Kitabatake, Takuma Sasaki, Kenji Tanaka
Producer:Yasuaki Matsui
Assistant Producer:Kanako Kaeriyama
Director:Ryo Kitabatake
CG Designer:Ryo Kitabatake, Takuma Sasaki, Kenji Tanaka
Producer:Yasuaki Matsui
Assistant Producer:Kanako Kaeriyama
Music : Masato Hatanaka